about the national i.v. full course

prepare & pass the national i.v. exam

Our National I.V. Technician course is a self-paced, 100% online and on-demand course that will help you learn the necessary skills and knowledge needed to pass the National I.V. Certification exam to help you become a certified I.V. Technician. If you are looking to refresh you knowledge in I.V. administration techniques with the best chance of passing the National I.V. exam on the first try, taking this course is highly recommended.

what's included in the couse:


100% Self-Paced & On Demand

The National I.V. Technician course can be taken at your own pace, meaning you can fit it into your existing schedule  while you’re on the go.


video & study guides

A series of PDF study guides and videos are included with the National I.V. Technician course, integrated into 42 interactive lessons.


Access To National I.V. Exam

Along with access to our National I.V. Technician course, you will also gain access to take the National I.V. exam at no additional cost. 

gain your national i.v. certification today

Gaining a national certification from the National I.V. Association is a great addition to your resume that will allow you to negotiate higher salaries with your current or potential employers. Invest in your future today and register for the National I.V. Exam, or, explore our other course options to help you prepare and give you the best chance of passing the exam on the first try.